2022 Immunization Schedule. National Immunization Schedule NIS for Infants Children and Pregnant Women Vaccine-wise Vaccine When to give Dose Route Site For Pregnant Women Tetanus adult Diphtheria Td-1 Early in pregnancy 05 ml Upper ArmIntra-muscular Td-2 4 weeks after Td-1 05 ml Intra-muscular Upper Arm Td- Booster If received 2 TTTd doses in a pregnancy within. 2021-2022 Immunization Schedule Click the flyer link on the right to see immunization timesdates.

New Zealand plans to allow quarantine-free entry to vaccinated travelers from low-risk countries from early 2022 as it looks to open its borders again after nearly 18 months of pandemic-induced. American pharma giant Pfizers CEO Albert Bourla has assured that the world will have enough vaccines by next year. WHO convenes technical consultations.
Immunization Clinic Schedule 2021-2022.
Vaccines and the availability of candidate vaccine strains and reagents Make recommendations for the strains of influenza A H1N1 and H3N2 and B viruses to be included in 2021- 2022. National Immunization Schedule NIS for Infants Children and Pregnant Women Vaccine-wise Vaccine When to give Dose Route Site For Pregnant Women Tetanus adult Diphtheria Td-1 Early in pregnancy 05 ml Upper ArmIntra-muscular Td-2 4 weeks after Td-1 05 ml Intra-muscular Upper Arm Td- Booster If received 2 TTTd doses in a pregnancy within. Dose 1 before age 12 months and dose 2 before age 15 months. Students who are 10 years old in grade 6 and who have not yet received.